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Your Scholarly books search returned 83 matches.
Click on the Name to see our full profile on that member.

Jo Wolf
Jo Wolf
Expunctum Editing
BLACKSBURG, Virginia United States
Noalani Terry, BA, MLS, MIA
Noalani Terry, BA, MLS, MIA
Whole Life Indexing
Edmonton, Kentucky USA
Whole Life Indexing is committed to meeting your production deadlines and special requirements for each index. I value my customers and maintain the highest standards of quality. My many years Details...
Devon Thomas, MILS
Devon Thomas, MILS
Chelsea, Michigan USA
A professional indexer since 2006, I provide back-of-the-book, embedded, and database indexing in a wide range of subjects, including history, literary criticism, business, cookbooks, and education. A generalist by nature, Details...
Lisa Ryan
Lisa Ryan
Stellar Searches LLC
Worthington, West Virginia USA
Stellar Searches LLC provides high-quality indexing and abstracting in a variety of fields. We conduct back-of-the-book indexing services, producing customized and comprehensive indexes. Meeting tight deadlines, we provide fast, accurate, Details...
Diane Brenner, MSW, PhD
Diane Brenner, MSW, PhD
Worthington, Massachusetts USA
More than 30 years of experience producing accurate, quality back-of-the book indexes. Also experienced with database indexing and keywording for images. Have done some embedded indexing in Word and website Details...
Rebecca Golden
Rebecca Golden
Golden Rule Indexing
Amelia, Ohio United States
Maria Sosnowski
Maria Sosnowski
Index Plus
Portland, Oregon USA
Why me: Most of my work is repeat business from satisfied clients, and I will bring that quality to your index. I pride myself on indexes that meet your specifications, Details...
Shannon Li, PhD
Shannon Li, PhD
Li Indexing
Cincinnati, Ohio United States
I have a PhD in history, and my areas of expertise are medieval studies, religion, and manuscript studies. I have received professional training in indexing, and am capable of writing Details...
Barbara Cuerden, M.A.Ed B.F.A.
Barbara Cuerden, M.A.Ed B.F.A.
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Barbara Cuerden holds a Master’s degree in Educational Research (2010) with a focus on society, culture and literacies. Barbara is a member of the Indexing Society of Canada (ISC) and Details...
Amanda Wilson, MA, BA
Amanda Wilson, MA, BA
Windy City Indexing
Riverwoods, Illinois United States
My name is Amanda Wilson, and I am the sole proprietor of Windy City Indexing. I have always loved learning and excelled academically, finishing in the Top 10 of both Details...
Sarahh Scher
Sarahh Scher
Sarahh Scher Indexing and Editing
Somerville, Massachusetts United States
I am a thoughtful indexer with experience in the humanities. As an art historian of the pre-Columbian Andes and artist (I hold a PhD in art history and an MFA Details...
Kevin Gunn
Kevin Gunn
Pegasus Indexing LLC
Columbia, Maryland United States
I am an indexer and research librarian and formerly an editor and adjunct faculty. I provide back-of-book indexing, specializing in the areas of English literature, drama and theater, media studies, Details...
Donna Jarjour, M.A.
Donna Jarjour, M.A.
Columbus, Ohio United States
I index scholarly books in history, theology, archaeology, Christianity, semitic languages, and the ancient Near East. I have a master’s degree in Biblical Studies and have done Ph.D.-level work in Details...
Heidi Martin Winston
Heidi Martin Winston
HMW indexing
New York, New York
I am a professional indexer specializing in scholarly monographs and textbooks in the humanities and social sciences, as well as general interest books. Academic expertise includes the history of art, Details...
Jessica Hinds-Bond, PhD
Jessica Hinds-Bond, PhD
Good Strong Words
Chicago, Illinois United States
Scholarly books in theatre, literary criticism, performance studies, Slavic studies, and anthropology. Jessica works as an indexer and editor for scholarly projects. She earned her PhD in theatre and drama Details...
Cheryl Lenser
Cheryl Lenser
Greenfield, Indiana United States
I’ve worked in publishing for over 25 years, primarily indexing all levels of computer books but also many political science and business titles, high school and college textbooks, and travel Details...
Amy Murphy, MA, MLS
Amy Murphy, MA, MLS
Amy Murphy Indexing & Editorial
Birmingham, Alabama USA
“At least two further cheers . . . and perhaps another half, for the excellent index.”​ – Charles Williams, Prospect Magazine, referring to my index in his review of Bonaparte: Details...
Laura Shelley
Laura Shelley
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
I produce fast, accurate, professional back-of-the-book indexes that can help sell books. My academic training is in history, education, library science and the humanities. Long time interests include: pet care, Details...
Johanna Egert
Johanna Egert
Albuquerque, New Mexico United States
I am a voracious reader with particular interests and experience in animals and pet care, curriculum development and education, cooking, crafting and sewing, religion and Biblical studies, and sports and Details...
Laura Abed, MLS
Laura Abed, MLS
Westmont Indexing
West Hartford, Connecticut, United States
At Westmont Indexing, I create thorough and accurate indexes that ensure your book’s content will be accessible to your readers. My work is delivered on time and to your specifications Details...
Judi Gibbs, MLS
Judi Gibbs, MLS
Write Guru®, Ltd.
Seattle, Washington USA
MLS with reference experience in university, company, and medical settings. 20+ years indexing. Particular strengths and interests: art and art history; anthropology; cultural studies; labor history; Pacific Northwest and Alaska Details...
Heather Dubnick, PhD
Heather Dubnick, PhD
Heather Dubnick Editorial Services
Beverly, Massachusetts USA
Indexing, editing, and proofreading in English, Spanish, French, and Italian. I am a published author with a PhD in Spanish Literature, an MA in Humanities, and an MLIS with coursework Details...
AElfwine Mischler, MA
AElfwine Mischler, MA
Mischler Editorial
Cairo, Cairo Egypt
I write accurate, professional back-of-book indexes for scholarly and trade books according to accepted industry best practices and your publisher’s guidelines. My experience includes writing multiple indexes and multi-volume indexes. Details...
Teri Jurgens, BS in Chemistry, CSU
Teri Jurgens, BS in Chemistry, CSU
Nimble Index
Lincoln, Nebraska USA
I will create an index for your book to meet your specifications of length and depth, and within your time frame. It will accurately reflect the content of your book, Details...
Stephen Ullstrom
Stephen Ullstrom
EDMONTON, Alberta Canada
I am an experienced, award-winning indexer, and I enjoy tackling large, complicated books. I have a special interest and experience in East Asian studies and religious studies. I am also Details...
Mamta Jha
Mamta Jha
Bhavya Solutions
Noida, UP India
I am an experienced full-time indexer. I write accurate, professional back-of-book and embedded indexes. Past projects include law books, textbooks, reference books, and trade books. Specialty in Scientific, Medical, and Details...
Janet Sims-Wood, PhD
Janet Sims-Wood, PhD
Forest City, North Carolina United States
Specializing in back of the book indexing – African American history, women’s history, and children’s books Details...
Richard Genova, B.A. Biology/Environ
Richard Genova, B.A. Biology/Environ
Genova Editorial Services
Canadensis, Pennsylvania United States
Full-time back-of-the-book indexer with over thirty years of experience indexing a variety of texts including legal, scholarly and college text books. Extensive background in indexing legal treatises, including multi-volume projects Details...
Thomas Vecchio, BA, MFA
Thomas Vecchio, BA, MFA
Confluence Indexing
Cohoes, New York United States
I have twenty-plus years of experience building comprehensive, accurate, and user-friendly indexes for university and academic presses. My experience and knowledge base permits me to index accurately and insightfully on Details...
Anthony Fazio
Anthony Fazio
AF Indexing
Littleton, Colorado United States
LOOK HERE! I create high-quality, professional indexes in a timely manner at a reasonable price. And let me say Congratulations on making it to this stage in your book. I Details...
Robert Saigh
Robert Saigh
Razorsharp Communications, Inc.
PHOENIX, Arizona United States
I have indexed every subject under the sun from history and math to science and biography to finance, food, sociology, and the list goes on. In my career, I have Details...
Donald Howes, BA Archaeology, MA Anthropology
Donald Howes, BA Archaeology, MA Anthropology
DH Indexing
Burnaby, British Columbia Canada
I am an experienced full-time indexer since 2020, providing custom back-of-book and embedded indexing services to authors, editors and publishers. I produce clear and informative indexes that express the style, Details...
Nancy Gerth, PhD
Nancy Gerth, PhD
Sagle, Idaho USA
I am a professional indexer with a B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania; an MA and PhD in Philosophy from Cornell University. I am seeking work indexing scholarly and trade Details...

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